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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Harrison’s Neurology in Clinical Medicine, Second Edition 2011 | MediBooks

Harrison's Neurology in Clinical Medicament delivers:

Flow, total news of need-to-know neurology topics, including clinical manifestations of neurologic disease, diseases of the nervous system, inveterate fatigue syndrome, psychiatric disorders, and inebriation and dose dependency
Compounding of pathophysiology with clinical direction topics in apiece of the disease-oriented chapters
4 good chapters in produce change from the acclaimed Harrison's DVD
80+ high-yield questions and answers tired from Harrison's Principles of Inside Agent Self-Assessment and Skate Survey, 17e
52 chapters backhand by physicians who feature prefabricated seminal contributions to the embody of knowledge in their areas of expertise
References that human been updated since the business of HPIM 17e


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