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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

150 Practice ECGs - Interpretation and Review | MediBooks 2011

The third edition of 150 Grooming ECGs: Version and Canvas combines practice tracings with clinical cardiology, providing students with the pragmatical noesis necessary to read, construe, and understand ECGs. This constitutional reexamine fact is reorganised into trey sections: first book reviewing ECG symptomatic criteria, pathophysiology, and clinical reciprocality; 150 ECG tracings with a little clinical record; and rendition and education points for apiece of the 150 ECGs.

150 Use ECGs: Version and Exercise, 3rd Edition is nonesuch as an first book for examination and nursing students at any period of grooming, for residents and fellows as a course before table exams, and for the refined student/teacher as a encompassing doctrine line.



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