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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Grant’s Dissector – 14th Edition | Medibooks 2011

Since 1940, when Dr. J.C. Boileau Actor created the prototypical lab practice supported on Grant's method of dissection, Grant's Dissector has clearly established its book and preeminence as the "metallic standard" of revenue anatomy dissection manuals. In the live edition, the touchable was streamlined to rivet on writer straight, unique and crystalline steps, based on marketplace conditions and feedback. This edition continues to pore on the direction of reduced lab hours yet maintains the propertied and reliability of Grant's innovative exercise.

Grant's Dissector, Fourteenth Edition features over 40 new figures to cater orderly quality and include further information, and is cross-referenced to the directional anatomy atlases, including Grant's, Netter's, Rohen, and Clemente.



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